Any fashion lover wants to have a strong bag game, but let's face it not everyone has 2000 to drop on a designer bag. I'll admit I do lust after the bags we get in, and consider putting one on my visa. However I also need to eat and pay rent, so the Chanel will have to wait. For anyone else facing the same issue I have picked my top 5 favourite bags under 200, so you can still look trendy and afford groceries at the same time.

I love the simplicity of this leather Radley leather box bag. It gives you the option to go hand held or cross body. For anyone looking for an everyday bag that's not too big or bulky this is the perfect size for you as it fits the essentials; wallet, lipstick, sunglasses planner. At only 99 euros you wont break the bank.

A pop of color can add so much to your outfit. I love the how bright this lovely purple color is.This LK Bennet bag is great for a night out, at 89 euros you won't have a mini heart attack if you spill wine on it.

This gorgeous firetruck red Coach handbag is the perfect practical bag. It's big enough to fit all your bits and pieces with room to spare, and gives you the option of hand held or cross body. You really can't go wrong with this trendy yet functional bag, especially for 169 euros!

For anyone looking for something different this patent leather Orla Keily is definatley the perfect choice for you. The peach color is perfect for transitioning into spring, and the frill detail and gold chain is so fun and feminine. You'll definatley stand out in this bag, and at 139 euros won't feel guilty for breaking your budget.

If your struggling with space in your handbag or your bag is constantly bursting at the seams then it might be time to invest in a tote bag. This Longchamp tote is perfect for a weekend away or for your office items. This tote is made from canvas so it's extremely durable amd only 39 euros. You really cannot go wrong with this bag!
These 5 are my favourites but if you haven't seen anything you are crazy for,be sure to check our website. We have a great selection of bags under 200 euros for all you budget friendly gals.
xx Liz