Yesterday evening myself, Ella, Tanya and Aine attended the Image Digital Masterclass which was all about learning how social media can boost your business. It was hosted by the brilliant Felicity McCarthy, founder of Spark Digital.
In this new age of technology, us millennials are constantly trying to keep up with the latest app or social media platform. There seems to be something new every week!! We've just about got the hang of Snapchat, are still a little confused by Twitter and just when we thought we had Facebook down to a T, the bloody thing goes and changes its algorythms (we're still not sure what that means either).
[gallery link="file" size="full" columns="2" ids="47098,47104"]As McCarthy pointed out last night, it's not an option of whether or not to use social media for your business, but rather how well you use it! That got our attention straight away. It's time to be smart about social media - while it's a super fun platform to use (hello Snaphat filters), it's also integral to the success of your business.
There's too much ground to cover in relation to how social media is a game changer for businesses, so that's not really what this blog is about. Check out Spark Digital for that instead and get in touch with Felicity. Instead this is an advice piece - one gals advice to another! Having studied English and History at university and now working in the fashion business, I can sometimes feel a wee bit lost with the social media/technological aspects of the industry...until I began going to these events hosted by the wonderful people over at Image magazine. It's a glimpse behind the scenes and a crash course 101 on subjects like social medi and blogging for your business. From the questions that begin conversations - to the people you meet from all areas of every industry - these events are so helpful to making your business the best it can be!
[gallery link="file" columns="2" size="full" ids="47102,47103"]Whether you're a businessperson yourself or looking to start up your own, by attending events like this, you're onto the right path. The delicious canapes and wine provided by the Gibson Hotel are an extra bonus too, as are the wonderful goody bags given to everyone! Although if you're like me and go home to a hungry household with a love for stationary there wasn't much left for little old me!
[gallery columns="1" link="file" size="full" ids="47101"]Ciara x