We all love being spoiled with lovely gifts at Christmas time, but is anyone struggling with what to do with their gifts that went wrong?

Photo Credit: Jezebel
For anyone who received designer accessories or bags this holiday season that didn’t quite hit the mark, never fear because we are here to solve your problem.

Photo Credit: Huffinton Post
We are taking in all your unwanted bags and accessories, and we will buy them, swap them or consign them for you. That way you can treat yourself to something you really love. So get in touch with our buying team at info@siopaella.com and send us photos of your items. You can always drop by in person to our 29 Wicklow Street location (yep - right beside BTs - so easy now!!) during opening hours as we are ALWAYS looking to buy wishlist items :-)

Plus if you come across something you really love in store, you can use your unwanted gift as store credit and put it toward the item of your dreams. More info on store credit and selling can be found here.

See! Problem solved!! Be sure to check our website for our wish list items, those are the pieces you can receive the most for.
Liz x