It's that time of the year again (you'll be surprised that I'm not talking about Christmas) no no I'm talking about the XFA awards with the lovely people from Xpose and FA Finder.
The nominations have opened and we would LOVE if you guys could nominate us for "Best Vintage" or "Best Accessories".

For those of you who don't know our Crow Street store houses our Vintage collection which includes printed vintage shirts, sequin bedazzlers and printed dresses from every era (so long as our Miss Tanya hasn't bought them all)! We also carry vintage jewellery from the likes of Chanel, Dior and Gucci!!
In terms of accessories, well we have something for everyone, doggies included! Our Sioapedit collection contains sunglasses, funky earrings and handmade collars while our website and Wicklow/Cecilia Street store houses buckets of designer accessories including Hermes silk scarves, wallets and not only jewellery from the big name houses like Chanel and Louis Vuitton but also Irish brands such as Lennon Courtney, Danielle Romeril and Joanne Hynes!
Nominating is easy... Just click HERE and away you go...