Anyone who is a luxury bag lover would recognize Prada for her elegant and quality leather designs. I love how her bags can make any outfit look classy and effortless. We have been lucky enough to have received a fabulous selection of Prada Saffiano totes this month in various colors shapes and sizes. With spring just around the corner, these bags could be the perfect addition to brighten up your outfit.
For anyone who is not familiar with Saffiano leather, it is a unique and durable style of leather. It is mainly made from calf skin. The way the leather is treated gives it a textured cross hatch pattern. The leather is then finished with a wax coat.
The leather is actually coated in the color instead of dyed. Saffiano is extremely durable, and an added perk especially for us Irish girls ; water resistant. With the right care, the Prada Saffiano bags will last you years.