The Louis Vuitton Speedy bag is one of the most well known bags in the world. We cannot keep these bags on our shelves, everyone is crazy for them. Whats not to love, the bag is a classic, it's practical, and beautiful. Here's a little bit of history behind our best selling bag.

In the 1930's the Keepall was designed for the elite to use as an overnight bag. Keepalls became so popular that the speedy 30 was created for everyday use.
The Speedy 30 refers to the bags measurement by length, so the bag is 30 centimeters.In 1965 Audrey Hepurn made a special request and custom ordered the Speedy 25, so she could use it for everyday. She described the bag as charming, classy and for all body types.
In the years to follow the size 35 and 40 were added, and recently the nano which is the smallest size. So there is literally a Speedy size to fit any of your needs, from travelling to a night out.
The shape of the speedy bag was inspired by the Gucci Boston Bag, which also has a flat bottom and structured sides that are domed. This structure makes the speedy extremely durable and able to carry all your day to day essentials.
The Speedy is available in endless options of materials and prints. The most popular being classic monogram and damier. Here's just a few of the options... PS if you have one of these that you would like to sell, we will DEFINITELY take it off your hands ;)
Stephen Sprouse Graffiti Speedy

Edition Roses Speedy
Dentelle Speedy
Monogram Jungle Speedy

Camo Speedy
The original Speedy was designed to be carried on the arm, but to make the bag more wearable for those who are always on the go The Bandouliere was created in 2011. Bandoulieres have a detachable shoulder strap and also a double zipper that can be locked.
Due to the popularity of the Speedy the resale is very good, and if you have a limited edition Speedy the resale value can increase!!! If you are interested in selling your Speedy send us an email to info@Siopaella.com and we would be happy to have a look :) If you want to buy a Speedy, take a look at what we have in stock.